Posts Tagged ‘whiny liberals’

The Pope says no to contraceptives, so as far as I’m concerned, even having condoms available in drug stores is a violation of the religious freedom of Christians everywhere. (I know, technically, it’s the Catholic faith, not Christians in general, who were being targeted by this ridiculous attack; however, since Catholics are Christians, it’s an attack on all Christians.)

I’m talking about this today, of course, because of the compromise related to theĀ  health insurance companies paying for contraception controversy. But how do you compromise on a blatant attack against religious freedom? That’s like compromising on the Bible.

Liberals, of course, will make the assinine (I added the extra s since we’re talking about liberals) argument that just because contraceptives are being made available doesn’t mean that you have to use them, but they clearly don’t understand the whole concept of Christianity.

You see, Catholicism and Christianity are based on Adam and Eve–and temptation. Those two puritans of Christianity (they were Christians BEFORE Christ was even born–talk about devotion) could not pass up a tempting apple, so who thinks that Catholics are going to pass on free contraceptives? And with all of these free contraceptives floating around out there, there will eventually be fewer Catholics (and therefore, fewer Christians).

That’s the goal of the loony left–eliminate all Christians so that we can live in a godless world of equality for all.

By the way, if it weren’t for that damn apple, we’d still be waltzing around the warm Garden of Eden while wearing loin cloths. Tell me that doesn’t sound better than getting our shovels ready to push around another round of glo-bull warming that’s headed our way.

The merciless and unfair treatment of the mainstream Republican presidential candidates by the liberal press has depressed me so much that I wasn’t able to blog for months, but I’ve got to get back in there and defend those who that represent the core values that have made America great.

When I saw that the whiny liberals (see–it’s like I never left!) upset that John Boehner was threatening to backtrack on the “deal” that settled the debt-ceiling debate months ago, I knew it was time since that’s the last thing I wrote about–how Boehner caved and only got 98% of what he wanted.

Well, he’s coming back for the other 2% (and the article, of course, had to try to poke fun of the fact that he’s sensitive and loving man–in a manly way, not a marry another guy way, by including a picture of him crying), and we should all be thankful that we have him on our side, especially since it’s becoming more and more clear that the liberal in sheep’s clothing, Mitt Romney, Mr. Healthcare for everyone, is going to win the nomination.

I’m still pulling for Newt Gingrich and his ingenious ideas like having middle school children (minority and poor children only need apply) be janitors in their own schools. I mean, geez, this is a great idea, reinforcing the notion that children should clean their own rooms. All parents say that, so why shouldn’t the schools pay children wages well below minimum wage to do that at school.

It’s a win-win situation, and for that, the media morons play this after radical.

No wonder I’m depressed.

Whiny liberals have this annoying habit of appealing to the public’s soft side whenever any issue comes up–talking to the sick whose insurance was just lost or talking to an unemployed mother of three when she can’t afford food because of food stamp cuts.

Dems (and the poor–as if there’s a difference) aren’t the only ones negatively affected by political decisions, and I’m going to share an open letter to Representative Boehner from a devout reader of this blog.

Mr. Thirston J. Worthingon, III, is a devoted reader of the blog and is very concerned about what closing the tax loopholes related to private jets might mean to him.

Representative Boehner:

When I supported your reelection campaign and subsequent election as the speaker of the house, I did so with the understanding that you would continue to support the interests of those who supported you–strict conservatives who believe in the constant lowering of the tax burden, not ideological liberals with a socialist plot to redistribute wealth from the top to the bottom.

Closing the tax loophole on private jets would be a personal hardship for me. In fact, if I had to pay my share of taxes, in addition to the rising cost of fuel (my burns roughly 400 gallons of fuel per hour) and expenses related to storage, maintenance, and flying my Gulfstream 550, I might have to give up my plane altogether.

It’s entirely possible that I would have to go back to my embarrassing former lifestyle (back in the Clinton era) when I could only afford to rent a private jet each time I needed one. On occasion, I would be forced to travel in an 8-person model rather than the 15-person jet that I prefer, or the carpet would be stained with red wine, or my preferred chauffeur pilot might not be available.

Needless to say, I don’t want to go back to those days.

In addition, closing the tax loophole would have a trickle-down effect. My full-time pilot would need to look for work elsewhere, as would my six-person plane maintenance staff, including Pablo (who has been with the family for 20 years and is hoping to apply for legal status soon). Pablo’s large family, many of whom are still in Mexico, depends on my generous cash (also tax free) gifts, especially around the holidays.

I believe that other private jet owners are in a similar situation, and forcing private jet owners to pay their taxes would likely mean a severe reduction in the private jet industry as a whole. Think of the loss of money to oil companies alone if private jet usage was limited.

With all of these things in mind, I do hope that you take the necessary steps to protect my rights as a rich American, even if that means a temporary inability for the U.S. government to pay its bills.


Mr. Worthington, III

The liberals have it easy. All they have to do to be loved is stand up for the middle class and the poor.

Only brave Americans like House Majority Leader Eric Cantor have enough guts to stand up for the rich, who are such an easy target. And Cantor made a clear statement when he walked out of the debt ceiling negotiations yesterday: Don’t balance the budget even partially on the backs of millionaires.

Cantor has it right. There is only one way to balance the budget–cuts, cuts, and more cuts. That’s the way it is in real life, right? If I have debt problems, I have one choice: spend less money. I don’t get to wave a magic tax wand and have money fall out of the sky. (I guess I could earn more money, but who has time for a second job?)

But during the debt ceiling negotiations, here come the whiny Democrats on their white horses, talking about raising taxes on the rich, raising taxes on the rich, and raising taxes on the rich.

Technically, it might not be raising taxes in a traditional sense; it’s more about closing loopholes in the current tax system, such as loopholes for those making over $500,000, those who own private jets, and ending subsidies for the struggling oil companies.

The loopholes were put there for a reason–to lower taxes on the rich–so closing them is raising taxes on the rich.

It’s like a Rollback at WalMart. When a frozen pizza price is temporarily rolled back to $2.00 from $3.00, that is now the new normal. When WalMart takes the price back up to $3.00, that’s a price hike! Plain and simple.

Closing the tax loopholes is like taking back an entire WalMart SuperCenter full of rollbacks from the rich. And with the liberal media and whiny Democrats against them, it’s a good thing that Eric Cantor is on the side of the rich.

May the WalMart smiley face be with you, Eric Cantor.

It’s ironic that I found this article on MSNBC–Whining is the worst sound in the world–because MSNBC is the unofficial home of the most whiny of all species: the liberal.

baby crying

baby crying; photo from

Liberals cry and whine all the time:

  • It’s not fair that some people can’t afford health insurance.
  • Why are gays being persecuted? They should have the same rights as the rest of us.
  • It’s not Obama’s fault. The debt is because of Bush’s Tax Cuts.
  • I knew there weren’t any weapons of mass destruction. We should have a good reason to go to war.

Seriously, do you listen to yourselves?

You don’t hear conservatives whining. We’re too busy making assertive statements, loudly and often!

  • Obamacare is socialism.
  • Marriage is between a man and a woman.
  • Tax cuts increase revenue (just ask Pawlenty).
  • We need to fight for our freedoms.

It’s not all ideology–although they’re always wrong (declarative statement, I might add!). Sometimes, it’s that their screeching makes it impossible to be heard.

Keep it up! Michelle Bachman is counting on it.

Many liberals like to whine about how the Republicans are trying to beat the system by talking about running “fake democrats” in the Wisconsin recall elections, but that’s because they don’t believe in the American way.

Sure, it might seem unfair to try to get non-Democrats to run in order to confuse Democratic voters into splitting their votes, giving the incumbent Republicans an unfair advantage; however, that’s the American way. We like to say that “it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game,” but that hasn’t been the case for generations. Professional sports figures often cheat to win and are often immortalized, and businesses try to cheat the system in order to beat the competition or not pay taxes. Those companies are rewarded with higher profits.

Even as individuals, we often take unfair advantage when presented to us in order to win. If you find $20 on the work floor, how hard to you try to find the person to whom it belongs? If you’re playing a not-so-friendly racquetball game (conservatives play racquetball or handball, not wimpy games like soccer or ultimate frisbee–only hippies play frisbee), and your opponent makes a call in your favor or gives you a point or two by making a score-keeping mistake, do you give it back? Or are you just happy to have one in the W column?

Let me save you testing your own conscience. Most Americans are more about winning than how the game is, and the conservatives are smart enough to do the same thing.

Leave it to the whiny liberals to not be the same way (Wis. Dems Won’t Run Fake GOP Candidates). They probably think that fighting should be banned from ice hockey and that ties in soccer are good because no one has to be ashamed of losing.

Well, I’m proud to win, and I don’t care how it happens. Go Wisconsin Republicans (and fake Wisconsin Dumbocrats).

Unfortunately, Weiner’s sex scandal has distracted from Tim Pawlenty’s sensational budget proposal, which would result in a nearly unprecedented 5% growth for 10 years!

That’s all I need to hear. Sign me up.

If you want more details, his plan is a flawless one of reducing the corporate tax rate to 15% (currently 35%) and the reduction of regulation related to consumer and environmental protection.

In other words, it’s an exaggerated version of the George W. Bush economic policy, which celebrates an important milestone today–the 10th anniversary of the famous Bush Tax Cuts (all capital letters because they’re God-like!!).

The tax cuts may not have worked according to plan to date since the cuts have been the single largest contributor to the growing deficit, resulting in a stalled economy and widespread budget cuts (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Tax cuts and public debt

Tax cuts and public debt

I can almost hear the whiny liberals now: Why would you want more of what brought us to the brink of economic collapse?

Well, the answer is obvious. While the Bush Tax Cuts greatly increased the disparity between the rich and poor, the disparity isn’t yet enough to encourage the rich to actually spend their money. Give them an even greater portion of the wealth, and they won’t know what to do with all of the money. They’ll have to spend it, and it will save the economy–with a growth rate of at least 5%.

Good times are here again–if Tim Pawlenty gets his way.

I think that you can learn as much from those who you disagree with as those who you revere, which is why I sometimes read subversive sites like Daily Kos and Talking Points Memo, and a recent “Kos” blog gives great insight as to why the Debt Ceiling vote is a win-win for Republicans.

They, of course, do it in a whiny liberal way, but I can explain it in a common sense, conservative way:


Republicans, especially the dynamic Representative John Boehner (pronounced Baner, not the tasteless name that some Dumbocrats like to use), want to use the upcoming debt ceiling vote as leverage to get spending cuts.

For the record, the debt ceiling has been raised every single year for decades (I believe), and the vote has never had any strings attached in the past because of the importance of the vote. Leave it to this bright Republican group to change all of that!

Failing to raise the debt ceiling means that the U.S. government could default on its bills to other countries, sending the national economy (and global economy as a domino effect) into a disastrous tailspin, including (but not limited to) a potentially unmatched stock market crash (including the loss of personal income and retirement funds for nearly all Americans) and destroying the country”s credit in the future.

That might sound scary, but what game of chicken doesn’t? And the victor, no matter what, will be the Republican party.

Budget Cuts

One of the big advantages that us conservatives have is that Democrats are big, whiny wimps.

As the Republican leaders pressure the Democrats for budget cuts to social programs like Medicare and Social Security, Democrats will yield more quickly than a 99-year-old bicyclist on the Daytona 500 track.

Why? Because they’re afraid of economic disasters.

This will be a clear win for us. Cuts will be made in popular programs (something that the liberal media has convinced most think Americans is a dumb idea), and it will be a bi-partisan effort. Democrats will share the blame for cutting something they support!

Nice job, Johnny!!

Global Economic Disaster

The other possibility is that the Democrats don’t fold and the entire global economy suffers a horrific blow, effectively leaving the U.S. in a rubble of economic despair.

Of course, this will happen during President Obama’s term, and whoever the conservative nominee is (Can you say Herman Cain?) will rise out of the rubble to become president of the United States. It will be like a John Wayne movie.

The conservative would be president during a time without any financial resources, setting the stage for more cuts in social programs.

God Bless America!!!! Either way, us conservatives are the winners!

If you ask me, the best thing about Memorial Day (and other holidays) is that MSNBC takes a day off from its non-stop propagation of left-wing paranoid programming and replaces it with much more reasonable programming.

Shows like “Lock Up” and “Caught on Camera” are great shows since they show the ramifications of a liberal lifestyle. Those shows aren’t as good as “Cops” since that show is really tough on crime, but for a liberal network, they’re not bad shows.

Meanwhile, Fox News Channel is smart enough to continue talking about the important news of the day with its weekend hosts, who aren’t as good as bringing unbiased news to us as the weekday hosts. Still, they continue to keep the fair and balanced experts talking all day.

In fact, right now, mainstream Rich Lowry of the non-partisan media outlet National Review is on. He makes a good point how us conservatives should not give in on voting for the debt ceiling until we get budget cuts for social programs even though the debt ceiling has never been used as a political bargaining chip in the history of the United States.

That’s what we should be talking about on Memorial Day–setting a new precedent about getting what we want regardless of what those whiny liberals and national and international economists think, while the opposition sleeps.